Hello from Singapore.
A new chapter in my life has begun and I am looking forward to sharing bits of it with you. I have avoided blogging in the past because it seems to be a very intimate way of being part of your lives and for you to share in mine. I find this a bit unsettling but since closing the store I find I miss those moments of openness and sharing that happened when you stopped in for a visit or to shop. I think that was my favorite part of owning a store, certainly the business part of it was the least. I miss the styling of the store, too. I guess that is why I spend my time looking at blogs that relate to design. They are inspiring and allow me to dream.

My goal in spending time sharing what is going on with me is to be able to keep in touch and let you know the things I am going through, creatively and otherwise. Sometimes I will talk about quilting and fabric and sometimes I will talk about me and how my life is changing and allowing me to experience new adventures that will ultimately allow me to be more creative.
So, the blog is titled, "From the Studio", obviously my studio resides within me. It could be a physical place, my apartment in Singapore but soon we will be traveling to some other location and that becomes a bit confusing. I once thought that creativity only came within a certain environment. I now realize, over time, that as with most things, those of value are within us.
I am missing Jack terribly but he seems quite content back at home in Galveston with my daughter and her boyfriend.
You may wonder why I am in Singapore. Well, this is where work has taken Martin and I love him and want to be with him. I am sure you will hear lots about my lovely British partner, as if you haven't already. It is wonderful to be 50 something and in love as if I were a teenager. I hope everyone feels that kind of love and joy!
( Martin, where he is most relaxed, on the narrow boat in England.)
I hope you will find the things I share with you inspiring and creative. I look forward to your comments and friendship along this journey.
A Little Extra
I am always up for suggestions when it comes to a good book or great music, etc. so I thought in return I would share some of my favorites, like the last good book that I have read, my playlist on my iPhone that I take on my run/walk around the lake, a movie that I have enjoyed recently, blogs I love, etc.
Books: Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? by Jeanette Wilkerson
(What a great title. Sounds like something my mom would have said.)
This is an autobiography that I found quite familiar to my own experience apart from the fact that I am heterosexual and American, which I think is beside the point. I was adopted like she was and I think the author and I shared a lot of the same things because of that one fact. We are the same age so we dealt with a lot of the same issues of that era. Maybe I will write a book one day :)!
Playlist: Adele (of course!!)
both albums
Florence and the Machine
I have to qualify the next few selections. Martin and I love watching the BBC. They have the best television and we love Luther. It is a great TV series and the main character, Luther, is played by Idris Elba. He actually won a Golden Globe award for this role recently. He is a stunningly beautiful man. The show is great and the music is fantastic. So the following are from the show.
Colour the Small One
The song "Breathe Me" is in the soundtrack for the show.
From the soundtrack "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"
Everybody's Got to Learn Sometime
Massive Attack
Heligo Land
The song " Paradise Circle" is on the Luther Soundtrack.
I am in one of those funky moods where I am trying to find out where I need to be and where I am heading. I like self introspection in order to grow, creatively and otherwise.
Last movie that I watched that I have fallen in love with.
Phenomenal film with exquisite cinematography.
This is my first blog that I have completed without a tutorial from my daughter, Hannah. (Well, to be truthful I did have to call her and find out how to retrieve this blog. I thought I had lost it in cyberspace. Other than that, this is my first so I hope it only improves with time.
I am going to have to review how to do the hyperlinks, sorry.)
Enjoy and I look forward to bringing you new adventures very soon.