It's been a year since I've made the pilgrimage to Round Top, Texas. In April, I was held hostage by a volcano that exploded, leaving me trapped in England (poor me, I know). But, that Icelandic volcano did make me miss one of my favorite events in Texas.

Antiques for miles and miles! I spent a wonderfully relaxing week in Round Top going from tent to tent looking at all the antiques. I've learned over the years to only buy what you can't live without. This is a golden rule when you're driving a 4-seater vehicle (even though everyone should probably bring 27-foot U-hauls).

Sometimes I forget how beautiful and lush the hill country of Texas is. Grasshoppers were everywhere, watching all the women shopping from a table, clinging to the back of a white shirt, or just hopping next to your feet. The sky so open and so blue, it makes you never want to leave.

One of the bigger purchases, the white cabinet with glass doors. I know exactly where it's going to be in the store.

I have a standing reservation at A Light Unto My Path Retreat Center. There's nothing like visiting with good friends while staying in one of these cabins. The cool night in central Texas reminded me that the autumn season, did in fact, start already.

Don't barn-red dining halls just pull on your heartstrings? The community breakfast is always a great way to start the day.

The property is animal friendly.

I love sitting in those rocking chairs on the front porch listening to the hum of the cicadas and trying to not let the fire ants bite my feet.

There are many things I love about A Light Unto My Path Retreat Center. One of the nicest things is that Dave, one of the owners, will drive his truck to the tent that you bought a giant white cabinet (for example) and bring it back to the retreat center for you. He'll also store it until you figure out how the heck you're going to get it all the way back to Galveston. Please check out their website http://www.alightuntomypath.com/index.php but make reservations early because they tend to fill up fast.
Don't forget to drop by and see all the other treasures we found!